The 32nd cycle of the 60 year lunar calendar. They say that this will be a year of potential, opportunity, renewal and transformation. Thinking strategic planning for significant changes this is the time. What are you going to make of it? Chinese New Year is the end of the month, starting on January 29, 2025 and ending on February 16, 2026. We are saying goodbye to the wood dragon. Was it a year of growth, expansion, and transformation for you? The Wood element represents vitality, flexibility, and harmony. The green color signifies freshness, renewal, and hope. This was a year to pursue your dreams, embrace new opportunities, and overcome challenges with confidence and optimism.
Slide Show: In video format. Please Pause to gain the information that you need. More references and other information to follow. When it comes to healing broken bones, it is important to look at nutrition, minerals, Chinese herbals and acupuncture.
Combining the appropriate ingredients above into a regular green smoothie or juice daily with collagen peptides will provide the nutrients that your body needs to rebuild and heal. Chinese herbs Chinese Medicine can help heal broken bones. They can also reduce swelling and inflammation. Thing is rather than just self diagnosis make sure with a chinese herbalist that the formula and herbs are appropriate for you. Herbal formulas are meant to be balanced so just choosing an herb and taking it isn't going to give you the benefits that you are hoping for. There are formulas that are meant for enhancing bone strength and formation and these are Osteo8 and The Great Mender. The Great Mender is a tea pill about the size of a BB pellet. A lot goes into making those tiny pills. The brand that these come from has been around for a long time but uses talcum powder in their process. Osteo8 is a capsule with ingredients: INGREDIENTS:
Acupuncture is another technique that can help with healing broken bones. It helps with the circulation of energy, blood and nerve flow in the body, which helps to promote healing. Additionally, acupuncture can help to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Visualization Visualization is a way of internal communication. You are delivering instructions to accomplish something. Have you ever used visualization in sports? It helps develop mental strength and focus, as well as enhance physical performance. Visualizing success in sport leads to making improvements to your focus and techniques leads to more confidence, motivation and being better prepared for challenges. Moving this type of visualization into healing can do wonders for energy and the nervous system as you heal from your injury. Giving instruction as you practice (visualize) activities in their specific actions like stepping and weight bearing through a damaged ankle, remembering the support that it provides. sending the neural signals for an action without performing the actionMore on visualization in another post. I also have guided visualizations available. In conclusion, nutrition, minerals, Chinese herbals, and acupuncture can all be beneficial for healing broken bones. Eating the right foods and using the visualization techniques can help the healing process significantly.
Humor & laughing the best medicine
Laughter has both mental emotional and physiological benefits depending on the type of laughter being spontaneous or self induced.
I am closing the videos with one of my favorite people that is an inspiration...Patch Adams. What/who do you like to laugh to? Fires here in the Northwest and the whole West coast has made for an interesting summer. My gratitude goes to those who are working the fires. Our health is being challenged due to particles that are small enough to get deep into lungs and cross from the alveolar sacs to the blood. PM stands for particulate matter. PM2.5 are the particles that are making it hazy out.
Understanding the mask decriptions. I went to buy a mask this morning just knowing the PM2.5 number There was only one left at $40 and I hadn't done any online research to see what the description meant, so I have included below these below. No, I didnt get that one it just seemed to be too big for more purposes than just this. I also didnt choose disposables as the fit is harder to get a good seal. Respirator Rating Letter Class
Respirator Rating Number Class
Straps need to go around head for a good fit to be firm around the mouth and nose to make sure that there is a good seal and all air goes through the filters and not around it. ones that go around the ears do not make a good seal. Internal healing Between the Vancouver, BC fires we have been subjected to this smoke for what feels like weeks. How can we heal from all of this? Qigong- movements and visualizations that help you mobilize and focus your immune system
Moving your lymph, Yes this is cardio, it is trampoline activity, Chi machine, Lymph Drainage Therapy all help. Lymph is a separate system from arterial and venous blood flow it helps move larger molecules that are in your tissues back to your circulatory system. Sounds can help our immune function properly function through vibrations that cause organs to vibrate (massage) through resonance or the nervous or immune systems to function better, as we are just more relaxed allowing the parasympathetic system to to do it's work, I found the 2 videos below and the frequencies relaxing and was able to take full breaths within minutes of continued listening to them. I invite to test them for yourselves. Headphones or a soundbath being between 2 stereo speakers will enhance your experience. The first one is my favorite.
Increasing your water intake, increasing vitamin D3, and anti-oxidants is important. More information on herbs and vitamins lifestyle suggestions can be found here: Bear medicinal herbals. Dr. Axe has published a list of sunscreens that are healthier than others.
Please checkout his page: Across the last couple of weeks, I have cringed when patients have commented that they have been slathering on the sun screen as they are gardening and playing in our glorious furnace days of summer. I was remembering the study that showed that the majority of sunscreens were toxic. That study was released 3 years ago. With only remembering that they contained chemicals that were incompatible with our well being thus our long term health. Dermal exposure of chemicals can result in systemic toxicity influencing our susceptibility to other disease and and even allergic reactions and energy levels. Remember that a toxic load keeps the inflammation process activated. The Chemicals to Check your sunscreen for:
Hey better living through chemistry, right? Not! Some questions to ask: Does a chemical influence hormones, immune function, is it disruptive to the liver or kidneys or other organs as it gets broken down or passes through your system or stays in your blood? How will chemicals effect pregnant woman and children. How will it effect fertility? According to the EWG research the above chemicals are estrogenic, may disrupt the thyroid, as well as other endocrine glands. Oxybenzone is major endocrine disruptor messing with sperm count and endometriosis. There are a variety of brands that may be safe. These lists are available on the link as well as the EWG site. We also have to ask who is paying for us to be able to get this information and how it might be biased. Wellness mama also has a link on that page that is a recipe for making your own sunscreen and she states if you wouldn't eat it don't put on your skin and I completely agree with this. The EWG makes the following suggestions on what you can do to protect yourself from sun damage. Check your skin regularly for new moles that are tender or growing. Ask your primary care doctor how often you should see a dermatologist. The best defenses against getting too much harmful UV radiation are protective clothing, shade and timing.
Chlorine and ammonia = Chloramines = Pool smell or chlorine smell of your drinking water. In a swimming pool, This reaction occurs because of sweat, oils and urine combining with the chlorine in the pool or the chloramine being used as disinfectant. In drinking water it is used as a disinfectant and not removed by most popular drinking filters. Chloramine is a weaker but more persistent and stable disinfectant than chlorine. If your water smells like chlorine after leaving a glass of water out it is the chloramine that you are smelling. In the swimming Pool the excessive pool smell, burning eyes, red skin is caused by the concentration of chloramine being high. For ingestion, they say that saliva and stomach acid break down the molecule, yet the same article says that it is eliminated in waste. References:
Actually, I have been going since last July. I am renting spaces at the two Cascade Acupuncture Clinics in Hood River and The Dalles during closed hours offering my services in light touch techniques to help both CAC patients and others. This is primarily Time of Service, HSA,, auto accident. Super Bills can be offered to those that have massage benefits for those that would like to self file insurance.
Also appearing here shortly will be the facebook posts that I share on my business page. The facebook link is in the footer below. |
AuthorScott Klein, LAc focuses on helping his patients recover from physical and mental emotional trauma and to release their symptoms of stress and pain. Archives
January 2025