Acupuncture (97810/97811) |
Time of Service |
Single Session Per Set of Needles |
$50 Cash/Check, $54credit card |
Series of 4 |
Can be mixed with Bodywork time $190 Cash/Check, $205 credit card |
Electro-Acupuncture (97813/97814) |
" |
Single Session Per Set of Needles |
$60 Cash/Check, $65 credit card |
Series of 4 |
$225 Cash/Check, $240 credit card |
" |
Single Session (includes cupping, electro stimulation, lymph drainage, facial massage, acupuncture) |
$150 Cash/Check, $160 credit card |
Series of 4 |
$575 Cash/Check, $615 credit card |
The Dalles
in the Rose Bldg 119 E. 2nd #207 The Dalles OR 97058 541-716-1717 Hours: By Appointment: The Dalles Appointments are available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30am-5pm House/Office Calls Available within 45 miles of The Dalles, Transportation fees apply to a single location Call/Text/email to schedule your The Dalles appointment:
email: [email protected] |